How to Beat Sleep Problems

How to fall asleep fast is a question that we often find ourselves asking. It is more of a concern that we have when it comes to sleep, especially in a time like ours, it can get a lot more difficult to fall asleep and have a sound and relaxing time. Technology keeps us going but it also restricts and bounds us in many ways. Hence, it is essential to know about both; quantitative and qualitative sleep. Also, if you fall asleep fast, you will eventually end up having a quality sleep. To carry on with ways of falling asleep faster, we first need to acknowledge what can be the possible symptoms or conditions that you may be facing due to which you are unable to sleep on time. One of them can be insomnia which is discussed below in order for you to have a better understanding of the subject.

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is regarded as the difficulty one may face in falling asleep, it also include the condition of having irregular sleep which means that you won’t be able to remain asleep for long. It is a widely known and spread disorder, although it is not necessary that you have it if you are facing some kind of difficulty.

Insomnia symptoms include conditions like: having difficulty in concentrating, feeling restless, stressful, being less productive and lazy at work, mood swings, fatigue and feeling low.

Once you have the basic knowledge of disorders like insomnia, it is now important to know how to sleep better. For this purpose, we have come up with a list of things you can do in order to counter insomnia (if you have it) or in general the sleeping issues. The solutions are as follows:

  1. Schedule:

While this is something that you may tell your kids to do, making and following a schedule will actually help you to a great extent. Our body is better than a robot, and so it can register things we don’t even know about. When you give your body a fix schedule, the body molds itself in it, and adapts it after some time. This will not only help you in falling asleep faster but will also improve the quality of your sleep.

  1. Relaxation:

Yes, it is not only important for your brain health but also for your sleep problems. When you go to bed with all your problems and tensions in mind, your brain will obviously not slow down. Try meditation or yoga and give yourself sometime to relax before going to bed. Just remember the key rule: your bed does not want your worries.

  1. Less Naps:

While taking naps during the day can be important, it should not become a practice. When people with sleeping disorder like insomnia are unable to sleep at night, they tend to adjust it in daytime. It might be difficult for a day or two, but when you finally pass a whole day without taking any naps, you will fall asleep faster at night.

Anyone who likes the phrase “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” has never had to deal with the frustration and anxiety that comes with the inability to sleep.

Am I right?

Even after a full day of work, an hour at the gym, playing with my kids, running errands, taking care of the household and more, you’d think my brain would be all too happy to shut down the second my head hit the pillow.

But you’d be wrong.

I’ve had sleep issues as long as I can remember. I lay down in bed, get cozy under the covers and close my eyes… and then my mind just starts racing. To-do lists. Work projects. The kids’ activities. That embarrassing thing I said back in junior high. Song lyrics from a top 2000s hit I haven’t heard in 12 years.

You name it, I think about it – all night long.

Some people look forward to bedtime because they know they’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Not me. For me, bedtime meant anxiety, dread, frustration and anger as I tossed and turned in my bed – and even jealousy of my husband, who was snoring peacefully next to me.

Over the years, I’ve tried everything. A pitch-black bedroom? Didn’t work. White noise sound machines + a big box fan? Didn’t work. A weighted/cooling blanket? No help.

And it’s not just the falling asleep that’s bad – it’s the staying asleep. If I’m lucky to fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time (usually a couple of hours), it’s not uncommon for me to wake back up multiple times a night, just to repeat the cycle over and over.

Then one day, my friend texted me about this new supplement she’d read about online.  Not only did it say it would help me fall asleep fast — it also was supposed to help improve the overall quality of my sleep, I didn’t have to get a prescription or worry about developing a habit by taking it.

Sure, I was a little skeptical. After all, I’d tried everything, and nothing had worked. But at this point, I had nothing to lose.

The first night, I fell asleep in less than 10 minutes. Ten. Minutes!!! Was it a fluke? Surely this was too good to be true, right?

The next night was even faster. And I woke up feeling completely refreshed. REFRESHED. I had slept ALL NIGHT LONG, for the first time in I don’t know how many years.

This is one of those times I’m so happy and so grateful about this wonderful little capsule, I have to tell everyone. So here you go:

This magic product is called MelaLuna.  It’s a new supplement that’s received a lot of media coverage recently – and for good reason, since it’s been formulated to basically mesmerize you to sleep by calming your body and quieting your mind.